Schedule release dates for the world’s biggest sporting leagues (updated 2024)

“When does the schedule come out?” One of our most frequently asked questions – “when is the schedule for _____ released?” – shows that pro sports leagues aren’t super sympathetic to your travel plans. Schedule release dates generally occur anywhere from two to four months before a season starts – whereas travellers, on average, begin planning their itinerary at least four to six months from the start of their trip. You … Continue reading Schedule release dates for the world’s biggest sporting leagues (updated 2024)


NFL Fans: How to see your team 3 times in two weeks [AFC East]

Best time to visit teams in the AFC East Since the release of the 2018-19 NFL schedule, fans around the world have been daydreaming about taking a trip to the USA to see their team play. We decided to take it a step further, scouring the schedules of all 32 NFL teams to find the best time for travellers who want to see their team play multiple games. Considering the average overseas trip duration (by Australians) is 14.5 days – roughly two … Continue reading NFL Fans: How to see your team 3 times in two weeks [AFC East]