You’ve decided to go to the Super Bowl. Now what?
We took an in-depth look at the best way for Australians to plan a trip to the biggest sporting event in the world: The Super Bowl. Continue reading You’ve decided to go to the Super Bowl. Now what?
These posts contain features or tools to help you with your next overseas sporting adventure.
We took an in-depth look at the best way for Australians to plan a trip to the biggest sporting event in the world: The Super Bowl. Continue reading You’ve decided to go to the Super Bowl. Now what?
“When does the schedule come out?” One of our most frequently asked questions – “when is the schedule for _____ released?” – shows that pro sports leagues aren’t super sympathetic to your travel plans. Schedule release dates generally occur anywhere from two to four months before a season starts – whereas travellers, on average, begin planning their itinerary at least four to six months from the start of their trip. You … Continue reading Schedule release dates for the world’s biggest sporting leagues (updated 2024)
World sports calendars To kick off your year, we’ve created these desktop calendars showing when the top sporting codes around the world will be running. These will be most useful for someone planning a trip in the near future, for anyone who had ‘trying a new sport’ as part of their New Years resolutions… or just for sports-mad people in general. These are a guide only, of course, … Continue reading World sports calendars for travellers and the sports-mad (updated for 2022)
It’s no surprise that one of the most common questions we get asked by travelling sports fans is, ‘What Sports are on in New York City?’ It’s not surprising for 2 reasons. Firstly, according to CN Traveller, New York City was the 6th most visited city in the world in 2015. At any given time there are loads of people either visiting, or planning their … Continue reading NYC Sports Calendar